Schedule of Services
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. each week. Classes are offered for all ages. Directional signage is available to assist you in finding your way. Sunday Morning Service immediately follows.
Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service begins at 10:30 in our sanctuary each week. During our services, we will sing songs, pray together as a church, collect tithes and offerings, and hear the Word of God preached and applied to our everyday lives. First Church Kids (preschool-aged) and Junior Church (K–5) participate in the first portion of the Sunday Morning Service and are dismissed to their rooms during the greeting time just before the sermon if you choose to make use of those ministries. Nursery care is also available if you'd like our nursery workers to keep watch on your littlest ones during service. Directional signage is available for help with navigation. On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the risen Savior in family-style worship, meaning that Kids and Junior Church do not take place during Sunday Morning Service. This doesn't affect Sunday School. All in all, the Sunday Morning Service typically lasts between 60-75 minutes. While we welcome you to come as you are, you will find most people who attend our services wearing business casual clothing.
Wednesday Discipleship Class
The Wednesday Discipleship Class begins at 6 p.m. in our adult classroom each week. Though the format may vary from time to time, this time will generally include corporate prayer, Scripture reading, giving of historical and cultural background information concerning the Scripture, and sometimes a video element to help bring our study full circle to personal application.